Volunteer Recruitment Event
The Idyllwild Library and The Friends of the Library ( Non-Profit Sector) hosted their Volunteer Recruitment Event March 23rd in hopes to incourage more volunteers for our public library. Staff members spoke of how to become a Volunteer. First, there will be an application to fill out and a section asking for the participant’s skills and preferences to contribute. They talked of how they were able to “work around your schedule,” and how they would, “Welcome ideas on how someone would like to contribute.” They are looking for help with reshelving books, computer work and children’s events. There is also a need for help with book sales for the Book Store managed by the Friends of the Library. Gay Reeves (F.O.L. Board Member) spoke of how the “Friends” are the “Fundraising Arm that supports the Library staff by selling books that contribute to funds for activities and events provided for the town.” There is also a growing need for volunteers to specialize in graphic arts, retail experience and social media that could help enhance the existing program. If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact the Library Staff at (951)-659-2300 or the Volunteer Coordinator Warren Monroe at wwmonroe@earthlink.net. TEENS: Do you have Community Contribution Requirements? Come volunteer during our Summer Season and check-out our TEEN Area.